TOol for Motif TO Motif comparison (TOMTOM)

For further information on how to interpret these results or to get a copy of the MEME software please access

If you use TOMTOM in your research, please cite the following paper:
Shobhit Gupta, JA Stamatoyannopolous, Timothy Bailey and William Stafford Noble, "Quantifying similarity between motifs", Genome Biology, 8(2):R24, 2007.

Query Motifs  |  Target Databases  |  Matches  |  Program information  |  Explanation

Query Motifs

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Target Databases

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Number of Motifs 

Motifs Matched 3764 0

Matches to Query: tro15-k9me3-25_e_309_0.532

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TOMTOM version
4.8.1 (Release date: Tue Feb 7 14:03:40 EST 2012)
Shobhit Gupta, JA Stamatoyannopolous, Timothy Bailey and William Stafford Noble, "Quantifying similarity between motifs", Genome Biology, 8(2):R24, 2007.
Command line summary

Background letter frequencies (from first motif database):
A: 0.295   C: 0.205   G: 0.205   T: 0.295

Result calculation took 5.721 seconds
show model parameters...

Explanation of TOMTOM Results

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The TOMTOM results consist of


The important inputs to TOMTOM.

Query Motifs

The query motifs section lists the motifs that were searched for in the target databases as well as links to matches found.

The motif name.
Alt. Name
The alternative motif name. This column may be hidden if no query motifs have an alternate name.
A link to a website which has more information on the motif. This column may be hidden if no query motifs have website information.
The motif preview. On supporting browsers this will display as a motif logo, otherwise the consensus sequence will be displayed.
The number of significant matches.
Links to the first 20 matches
Target Databases

The target motifs section lists details on the motif databases that were specifed to search.

The database name.
Number of Motifs
The number of motifs read from the motif database minus the number that had to be discarded due to conflicting ids.
Motifs Matched
The number of motifs that had a match with at least one of the query motifs.


The matches section list the group of motifs that match each query motif. For each query-target match the following information is given:

Summary Table

The summary gives the important statistics about the motif match.

The name of the matched motif.
Alt. Name
The alternative name of the matched motif.
The probability that the match occurred by random chance according to the null model.
The expected number of false positives in the matches up to this point.
The minimum False Discovery Rate required to include the match.
The number of letters that overlaped in the optimal alignment.
The offset of the query motif to the matched motif in the optimal alignment.
The orientation of the matched motif that gave the optimal alignment. A value of "normal" means that the matched motif is as it appears in the database otherwise the matched motif has been reverse complemented.

The image shows the alignment of the two motifs. The matched motif is shown on the top and the query motif is shown on the bottom.

Create custom LOGO

By clicking the link "Create custom LOGO ↧" a form to make custom logos will be displayed. The download button can then be clicked to generate a motif matching the selected specifications.

Image Type
Two image formats, png and eps, are avaliable. The pixel based portable network graphic (png) format is commonly used on the Internet and the Encapsulated PostScript (eps) format is more suitable for publications that might require scaling.
Error bars
Toggle error bars indicating the confidence of a motif based on the number of sites used in its creation.
Toggle adding pseudocounts for Small Sample Correction.
Toggle a full reverse complement of the alignment.
Specify the width of the generated motif.
Specify the height of the generated motif.