Identification of DNA motifs that regulate DNA methylation

Mengchi Wang1, Kai Zhang1, Vu Ngo1, Chengyu Liu2, Shicai Fan2,4, John W Whitaker5, Yue Chen2,6, Rizi Ai2, Zhao Chen2, Jun Wang2, Lina Zheng1, Wei Wang1,2,3*.
1. Bioinformatics and Systems Biology Graduate Program, 2. Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 3. Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, California, USA.
4. School of Automation Engineering, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, Chengdu, China.
5. Department of Genomics, Denovo Biopharma, 10240 Science Center Dr., San Diego, California, USA.
6. School of Life Science and Technology, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, China.

* Correspondence:

We present here the results for motifs that correlates with methylation modifications.

We have analyzed 34 diverse whole-genome bisulfite sequencing datasets in human (from ROADMAP) and identified 313 motifs tightly associated with locus-specific DNA methylation, among which 92 and 221 are associated with methylation (methylation motifs, or MMs) and unmethylation (Unmethylation motifs or UMs)

Here we show results of 313 motifs compared to both known transcription factors (from HOCOMOCO v11), DNA motifs that regulate histone modification in human (from Ngo. et al 2019), and reported methylation motifs by Lin. et al 2019.

Known TFs (HOCOMOCO v11) link
Histone motifs (Ngo et al. 2019 PNAS) link
Known MethMotifs (Lin et al. 2019 NAR) link

Additional Information:

313 motifs in MEME format: link

313 motifs occurrence sites defined by FIMO: dir

Motifs used in the study "DNA motifs regulating histone modifications in human and mouse" (Ngo. at el 2019): link

Motif-TF occupancy reported in the paper: rawCounts clustering